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De-Stress and Naturally Renew Your Mind, Body, and Skin

In the current lockdown circumstances, it’s easy to get weighed down by your “new normal” routine without noticing. For some, stress and anxiety levels are at an all time high and even though vacation plans are no longer an option due to COVID-19, it’s still possible to provide for relaxation and decompression.

When it comes to your health, ignorance is not bliss and can lead to serious health consequences. Shining some light on areas that are causing you stress and changing habitual patterns, will go a long way to reduce stress in your day-to-day. Maybe your mind is scattered, your skin is breaking out, or your muscles feel tense and tight lately. Stress can build up in different areas of the body and wreak havoc everywhere. If you’re feeling stuck in your routine at home, take time to de-stress by checking in with yourself to renew your mind, body and skin.

Sometimes adding something into your routine is easier and more sustainable than taking something out, try one or more of these tips to renew your mind, body, and skin:

Renew your mind.
While there are varying levels of anxiety with the current pandemic, the challenges remain mentally draining with big topics like health, family, friends, and finances. Not to mention the shift in routine and finding a “new normal” while being pulled in a thousand different directions. To renew your mind and create clarity during this time find some solace in simplicity:
  • Turn off your phone (and all electronics)
  • Wrap yourself up in a blanket
  • Sip on tea or coffee without any distractions
  • Meditate
  • Breathe deeply
  • Take a nap
  • Listen to music or listen to the birds
  • Watch a classic movie or read a book
  • Take a drive with the windows down
  • Say no (whenever you need to)
  • Tap into your creativity and get lost in an artistic hobby (journal, painting, crafting, etc)
  • Catch up with friends or neighbors
  • Buy yourself flowers
  • Paint your nails
  • Play with your dog

Renew your body. 
With so many distractions to deal with, you may be ignoring your body’s signals. Take a moment right now and do a body scan. Bringing awareness from your toes, all the way to the top of your head, and notice if you feel any tension or tightness. Where can you release that tension or tightness? What areas can you relax? Are you chronically clenching your jaw? Do you need to stretch your neck muscles? Move your joints? How has your nutrition been? Your body can feel the affects of the stress in your life and it can show up as indigestion as well as in your muscles and joints. Give your body some love and attention with these ideas:

  • Apply Weh Weh® Natural Relief Cream with CBD and Arnica
  • Soak your feet in epsom salt 
  • Check in with your nutrition, try a new healthy recipe or buy a different piece of produce than you’re used to cooking with 
  • Stretch or foam roll 
  • Add citrus to your water 
  • Go to bed early 
  • Ride your bike, roller-skate, paddle-board, kayak, or try a new outdoor hobby 
  • Try an online yoga class on YouTube or contact a local yoga instructor and ask if they’re teaching virtual classes 
  • Go for a walk outside (as long or short as you’d like) 
  • Get your heart pumping with a quick run 
  • Dance 
  • Do what makes you feel most alive 

Renew your skin.
You may have noticed your skin is more irritated than usual lately. Stress alone can have an impact on skin resulting in acne, and aggravating eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis; adding the required face mask to the equation demands serious TLC. To naturally renew your skin look no further than Doctor D. Schwab’s all natural skincare. From brightening lackluster skin, to acne care and deep cleansing, Doctor Schwab has you covered. Try these favorite skincare tips to be sure your skin is the least of your worries:

Additionally, to help you minimize stress, Doctor Schwab has created a Survival Kit for all of your SOS skincare needs that includes the essentials:
Share your favorite Doctor D. Schwab products in the comment section below!


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